A downloadable Fan game


Coco's entertainment has hired you as a night guard to protect and clean up the place however you start to see there's more going on .

They say when life gives you lemons you make lemonade.

Game play features:

Different types of HUD

More nights

Extra content

Easter eggs


Rat_and_bunnies_dinner.JPG 85 kB

Install instructions

Coco's entertainment

Is not responsible for injury deat...

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Log 1

I went to the backstage area try to fix the electrical box

I'm starting to hear noises though

I'm starting to feel like there's something else here

I'm thinking about reporting it to the company

But would they respond

I'm just going to finish up my shift and go home

See you on the flip side

 O U R  B R O A D C A S T  H A S  B E E N  I N T E R R U P T E D

Development log


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Welcome to cocos entertainment.